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Congressman Van Drew Announces FAA Technical Center to Permanently Remain in South Jersey

April 29, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew announced his support for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2024 which will be voted on by the House next week. Included in this agreement is Congressman Van Drew’s bill guaranteeing that the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center is written into the U.S. Code and will permanently […]

Van Drew Responds to Atlantic City Housing Authority Claims

April 26, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew addressed claims by the Atlantic City Housing Authority (the Authority) that they tried and failed to schedule a meeting with his office and asked for assistance with Section 8 housing vouchers. Our records indicate no attempt from the Authority to contact our office to discuss the ongoing health and safety crisis […]

Van Drew Stands With Israel

April 14, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew released the following statement emphasizing the need for the United States to stand in absolute support of Israel in the wake of today’s indiscriminate missile attacks by Iran. “Now more than ever the United States must stand in unwavering support with Israel and that support cannot be conditional,” […]

Van Drew Meets with HUD Inspector General

April 12, 2024 — This week, Congressman Van Drew met with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Inspector General (IG) Rae Oliver Davis to discuss their focus on the ongoing health and safety crisis at Stanley Holmes Village. The Office of the Inspector General safeguards HUD’s programs from fraud, waste, and abuse […]

Van Drew Responds to Spirit Airlines Crew Base Leaving Atlantic City Airport

April 9, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew responded to the announcement by Spirit Airlines that they will be closing their crew base in Atlantic City International Airport (ACY) in South Jersey. While it is important to emphasize that daily operations at the airport will remain unaffected with no changes in the flight schedule, the crew […]

Van Drew Introduces Package of Bills to Strengthen Infrastructure

April 8, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew introduced two pieces of legislation — the Bridge Protection Act and the Francis Scott Key Bridge Disaster Taxpayer Reimbursement Resolution — aimed to strengthen America’s infrastructure system and ensure that taxpayers do not bear the burden of disasters caused by private companies. “The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge is a tragedy that will […]

Van Drew Introduces the Protect American Widows Act

April 3, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew introduced the Protect American Widows Act to help alleviate the financial burden of grieving widows. Currently, widows are only able to file their taxes as a surviving spouse for two years. This bill would extend that period of time to five years, providing an extended lifeline to those facing some […]

Van Drew Introduces the Child Tax Credit Integrity Act

March 25, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew introduced the Child Tax Credit Integrity Act to bolster the integrity of our federal tax system. This bill would require any individual attempting to claim the Child Tax Credit to provide their Social Security Number (SSN) to prove lawful residence of the U.S., thereby tightening eligibility verification and […]

Van Drew Unequivocally Stands Against Cuts to Social Security

March 21, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew released a statement guaranteeing that he will never support any proposal by any party that would make cuts to Social Security or raise the retirement age. Social Security protects the financial well-being of millions of Americans, and any threat to this program is a threat to the foundation of our nation. “Any proposed […]

Van Drew Requests a Criminal Investigation into the Atlantic City Housing Authority

March 15, 2024 — Congressman Van Drew visited Stanley Holmes Village to speak with residents and to view firsthand their inhumane and unsafe living conditions. Following this visit, Congressman Van Drew announced that he is requesting the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to open an investigation into […]