Van Drew Renews Call for Immediate Resignation of NJBPU Leadership Over Destructive Policies
March 21, 2025 — Congressman Van Drew released the following statement in response to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) accepting a report that includes a proposal for income-based electric rates.
“Once again, the NJBPU is taking direct aim at the hardworking middle class of New Jersey,” said Congressman Van Drew. “On top of the outrageous 17% rate hikes that will hit hardworking families and businesses beginning June 1st, they are now considering income-based fixed rates—a policy that will burden the very people who are already struggling to pay their bills. This is absolutely wrong.
“For the third time, I am calling on the leadership of the NJBPU to resign. Instead of standing up for the people they are supposed to serve, they are doubling down on ultra-leftist policies that will further burden the middle class and make life in NJ even more unaffordable. With utility companies raking in profits while families are pinching pennies to get by, it is clear the system is broken.
“The NJBPU’s leadership is out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent, and I will not stand by while they make our state less affordable and less competitive. This has to end. We need a new direction for New Jersey, and that starts with leadership that listens to the people. Our next Governor must take immediate action to reverse and put an end to the harmful policies being pushed by the NJBPU. I will continue to fight against these sky-high rate hikes and these disastrous policies at every turn.”