Trump & Van Drew DOMINATE New Jersey Republican Primary

June 4, 2024 — United States Congressman and New Jersey Trump Campaign Chairman  Jeff Van Drew and his campaign released the following statements regarding tonight’s primary election results. 

Statement on Trump Victory

“Tonight, Republicans from every corner of New Jersey showed that President Trump’s support remains unwavering and unbreakable,” said United States Congressman and New Jersey Trump Campaign Chairman Jeff Van Drew. “These were the first ballots to be cast since last week’s sham verdict in New York City and Democrats were hoping this political persecution would divide us, but in reality it has galvanized Republicans behind President Trump like never before. We also elected President Trump’s full slate of delegates eager to officially nominate him at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this summer.”

Statement on Van Drew Victory

“Congressman Van Drew would like to thank the tens of thousands of Republicans who turned out today to nominate him with his greatest margin to date,” added Van Drew’s Campaign Manager Ron Filan. “Congressman Van Drew enters the general election with a massive warchest of over $1,000,000 cash on hand after our campaign SHATTERED records by raising more than $800,000 in small dollar or ‘unitemized’ contributions during the primary cycle. No matter who the Democrats nominate tonight their party remains deeply divided and their candidates unable to generate any excitement or support here in South Jersey.”
